Cicada-inspired madness! The Scrum Club had its second in-person gathering in 2021, and the first with the entire group fully vaccinated. I got to see some friends in attendance who I haven't been able to hug and toss dice with in about 15 months, and it was a beautiful thing. We ended up with six of the nine Scrummers in attendance, and like last month , we've made it an all-day affair with back-to-back games. GKR: Heavy Hitters Sadly, Rich fell under the weather at the last minute and had to back out of GMing the Thieves' World role-playing game he had planned for the 1:00 p.m. slot, so I set up GKR: Heavy Hitters to keep us occupied until the main event at 4:30. I had played Giant Killer Robots: Heavy Hitters twice before in the past month, once with John Sears and the second time for a rare weeknight game with Josh O'Connor. I was excited to put the game through its paces with four players instead of two, and I will say it is much deadlier with the additional p...
A Tabletop Field Marshal's Campaign Journal