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Showing posts from February, 2022

Ravenfeast: Back to the Boats!

  Although we recently hosted a game of Ravenfeast to bid farewell to our friend Zeb Cook , a mere week later we were staging another Viking and Saxon battle to welcome a newcomer to Scrum Hall, Joey McGuire. Like Zeb, Joey is also a veteran GM at Scrum Con where he has run the game he created, This Is Not a Test . His convention games rank near or at the top in terms of the level of crafting on display, and his players at Scrum Con have always let us organizers know what a grand time they had playing at his table.   And also like Zeb, we bumped into Joey at last November's Historicon , and realized that we had never gotten a game in together despite living in fairly close vicinity to each other. When he overheard Steve Braun and I mention we were going to get a game of Ravenfeast on the table soon, Joey expressed interest in joining in the fun.  I had a strong intuition that Joey would fit right in with the Scrum Club gang, and I was glad my instincts proved reliab...