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Showing posts from February, 2019

Scrumtacular! A Scrum Con Success Story

I seem to fall into an emerging demographic: the middle-ager who has been in a gaming deep freeze for the past several decades (usually since high school or college) but has emerged from hibernation with renewed passion for a pastime that brought a lot of joy before being abandoned for so-called adult endeavors and responsibilities. And like many a good fantasy tale, it involved me stumbling upon a forgotten treasure suffused with magic and mystery that set me down an unforeseen path. I was unwittingly drawn into this new adventure when I recognized, after unearthing a box in the basement filled with a couple hundred Grendier, Ral Partha, and Citadel miniatures from the 1980s, just how much I missed the inspiring pleasures and camaraderie of the gaming that took up so much of my teenage head space.  I dabbled in board gaming when I could over the decades, and I even tried to get into a regular role playing game for a few weeks in 2002, but I was in the early days of a pub...