My pals Zach and John came over to the house last night for a skirmish using the Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes rules . While I'm really wanting to do more play testing on my home-brew dungeon delving ASBH variant, I didn't have as much time to prepare for last night's game as I thought I would. So we instead gave my recent scenario, "Hamlet's Heroes," another run through, an easy choice since it lends itself to three players (two players for the heroes and villagers and one running the orc reavers) and neither Zach nor John had played this scenario. (For the scenario background and warband profiles, see the earlier post of the initial play through). I tweaked the rules a bit for last night's game. First, I swapped out the Wizard's Apprentice unit's Fear spell in exchange for the Protection from Arrows spell. While thematically I liked the apprentice having a lesser version of a spell his master casts (Aura of Terror), having tw...